Gender Based Violence

One of the most challenging situations in rural communities in Cameroon remains the issue of Gender Based Violence. One of the most important reasons why women are being relegated by men is poverty. Women are extremely poor and are very dependent on men. This has created and maintained a situation where men to an extent decide for women.

Traditions and cultures have designed a barrier against women to excel to greater heights, making them vulnerable hence no access to socioeconomic, political and cultural empowerment. With the presence of young educated and literate Chiefs there’s a gradual improvement in the fight against or complete abolition of some harmful traditional practices such as incest, breast ironing and widowhood rituals but more has to be done. With the current Anglophone crisis in the South West and North West of Cameroon issues of sexual harassment, rape, unplanned pregnancy etc is on the rise

What We Do to Fight Gender Based Violence

Gender based violencestill has a strong prevailence in the local communities with offenders going unpunish despite the existing legislation in place.Must cases lack proper follow up or lack someone to followup and bring perpetrators to face the law. AFRINET comes in by:

  • Carry out advocacy projects, targeting Local Community Based leaders such as Chiefs, Local traditional Councilors, Religious Leaders and Family heads to change behavior.
  • Gender mainstreaming, involving all communities and leaders
  • Build Capacity of women and youth groups to become gender sensitive and gender competent as well.
  • Promote socioeconomic and cultural empowerment activities for women aimed at bringing about self reliance and sustainability
  • Creation of GBV Clubs in parishes, schools, colleges, social groups to ensure permanent education

Our effort against gender based violence

The pictures below are taken during Advocacy meeting organized by AFRINET  for traditional Leaders to change behavior and put an end to harmful traditional practices against women