Eco-tourism and the benefits to the community

The protection of the sources of livelihood of the local communities is crucial in eradicating hunger.  As such we believe that the preservation of the natural environment and culture of the people must be upheld because it bring advantages to the local communities such as

  • Creates a better appreciation of natural resources, such as landscapes, wildlife and coral reefs.
  • Stimulates a desire to protect the natural environment via national parks, wildlife preserves and marine parks.
  • Funding for conservation work is generated by tourists through sources such as park entrance fees, camping fees, local taxes and safari tours.
  • Alternative income sources for local communities
  • Vitalize and sustain cultural heritage(buying crafts, festivals, ceremonies )

What AFRINET Does to promote Eco-tourism

Your visit to tecotouristic sites within our zone of opeartion is guaranteed by AFRINET. We ensure tourist have the best expertiwence by:

  • We negotiate your safe stay in the community you chose to live.
  • We have  local guards to accompany where ever you want to go.
  • We ensure you have a balanced diet/ clean water



Eco-tourism Potentials of the Bakossi Landscape

Ecotourism Potentials of the Bakossi Landscape

  • Tropical lowland forest
  • Motane forest
  • Montane savana and grasslands
  • Mt Kupe, Muanenguba, Bakossi, Lonako
  • Hot Springs (Ndibse & Nsoung)
forest conservation

We offer assistants to Researchers carrying out research in diverse areas such as forest conservation and other areas. We also provide services to tourist like tour guides and much more.