Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

AFRINET is a nonprofit that secures life-lasting clean water for rural communities in Cameroon. The organization was founded in 2008 to resolve the shortcomings of clean water access, promote the social welfare of rural have-nots where about 75% of the population live in poverty.

After years in the field observing broken hand pumps and abandoned solutions, AFRINET in collaboration with Water Collective and Dig Deepwater developed to approach the water crisis from a different angle. We believe that focusing on making water life-lasting triumphs over rapid expansion with temporary solutions.

We believe in long-term strategies that integrate life-cycle costs and collaborate with existing community collectives. We believe that a supportive economy and knowledgeable community are the keys that keep clean water flowing. Above all, we believe in empowerment before giving, requiring benefiting communities to co-finance their water projects so that they are involved in building their own futures

What We Do

  • We construct latrine for homes
  • We teach communities practice environmental hygiene
  • Water purification

(In Partnership With UNICEF)

The project aimed at providing rapid WASH interventions in five Administrative Divisions in the South West Region of Cameroon.

Funded by UNICEF, the project targeted Internal Displaced Persons in Hard-to-reach areas in Fako, Kupe Muanenguba, Lebialem, Manyu and Meme Divisions. 7,000 internally Displaced Persons benefitted through the distribution of WASH kits (Buckets, jerry cans, sanitary pads, aqua tabs and child pots) In addition, two villages benefitted the rehabilitation of their water system that was constructed many years ago, and got broken before rehabilitation.

In the South West Region, Kupe Muanenguba Division made up of three Sub Divisions namely: Bangem, Tombel and Nguti . Bangem and Nguti Sub Division remains one of the most affected in terms of WASH provision, requiring greater attention. AFRINET will be willing to work with any esteemed partner willing to address the appalling plight of the people.