Our existence has had an impact on the local communities and our commitment to our vision and mission is our driving force. We believe in the years ahead with support from our partners and stake holders we will be able to harness our experience to spread our impact to more remote communities


AFRINET working with villages round the Bakossi National Park believes and attaches importance in conservation as it’s one of the paramount sources for the livelihood of the rural people. Indeed it’s a good source of water catchment as well.

We have been helping local communities to have an advanced understanding in matters related to conservation, transforming hunters to livestock and bee farmers, organic gardening and promoting planting and sustainable harvesting of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) without causing harm to the forest.

NTFP are not limited but include njangsang, bush mango, bush pepper, issisang, bitter cola, and lion cola etc that fetch income to the people


AFRINET working with villages round the Bakossi National Park believes and attaches importance in conservation as it’s one of the paramount sources for the livelihood of the rural people. Indeed it’s a good source of water catchment as well.

We have been helping local communities to have an advanced understanding in matters related to conservation, transforming hunters to livestock and bee farmers, organic gardening and promoting planting and sustainable harvesting of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) without causing harm to the forest.

NTFP are not limited but include njangsang, bush mango, bush pepper, issisang, bitter cola, and lion cola etc that fetch income to the people

Food Security

With the fertile soil in the area, both food and cash crops does very well without the use of chemicals.

We encourage initiatives aimed at the transformation and conservation of food crops such as plantains, coco yam, irish, cassava.

Though these methods are mostly practiced in a local way in the absence of modern equipment, we strive to improve performance and encourage farmers to use to the method at their reach. However, some groups also have benefited grinding machines from us to transform crops, making them ready for consumption

Food conservation


Despite reluctance from the government to improve this sector, researchers come to Bakossi National Park every year.


Researcher is carried out on birds, reptiles, amphibians and different plant species. After all formalities with the government, we host the researcher during the period of stay, making sure there is sleeping accommodation, feeding and other facilities.


Interested persons are advised to be in contact with us for proper traveling arrangement


Gender Baseed Violence/Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

In a pure traditional community where harmful traditions and cultures are still held in high esteem, we relentlessly fight against the relegation of women.


The So Called Anglophone Crisis too has come with very worrying atrocities committed either by the State Armed Groups (SAGs) or the Non State Armed Groups (NSAGs) Before now, the situation for the past years had improve in behavior change with the involvement of traditional rulers such as chiefs but much has to be done.


In the humanitarian response of the crisis, we assist Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) hiding in very hard-to-reach communities, crossing dangerous streams and rivers. We move along, assisting victims on issues of Gender Based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health thanks to United Nations Population Fund.

humanitarian response

Social Justice

Despite the hostile environment in which we work, social justice needs much attention. National Legal Framework is not respected, talk less of international one.

 Cameroon by its nature of two colonial cultural heritages has worked for “Survival of the fittest” where the minority English speaking Cameroonians are considered like second class citizens.

Since last year AFRINET took up the mantle to organize strong Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from each of the English Speaking Regions to add to the voices of other ones to fight death Penalty. Though risky, animals won’t do it but humans. In 2020, we hope to take new steps.


AFRINET in the month of March 2020 organized a series of activities on the fight against death penalty. Thirty CSOs working on Human Rights and Social Justice carried out a series of campaigns, raising awareness on death penalty in the South West Region of Cameroon. This was seconded by a three day workshop, building capacity of social actors to advocate for the abolition of death penalty

social justice
social justice
social justice
social justice
social justice