Social Justice

The report for the working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) presents information and data on the use of death penalty in Cameroon. Since the last session of the UPR (2013),for the third examination cycle (May 2018 the report also presents so many recommendation to address the ongoing violations of human rights in Cameroon.

Facts and figures

  • De facto abolitionist country: No execution carried out since 1997, however the moratorium is not official and many death sentences continue to be handed down each year.
  • 160 death sentences in2016 compared to 91 in 2015 and none in 2013 and 2014.
  • Cameroon is one of the 10 countries handing down the most death sentences in the world
  • Cameroon is the francophone African country in=imposing the highest number of death sentences
  • About 212 people are currently detained in death row.

There are is urgent need to amend certain provisions of the Cameroon Penal Code and mostly the 2014 Anti-terrorism law and also the 2017 Military justice Code to eliminate the death penalty for any crime that doesn’t involve intentional order where civilians are judged by the military court.

On the other hand, prisons conditions in Cameroon are not the best. The Yaounde Central Prison constructed to host about 800 inmates now host about 3.000 prisoners.

What We Do to Fight Social Injustice

AFRINET is the social justice pioneer NGO to champion the cause of Advocacy for the abolition of death penalty in the two English speaking Regions of Cameroon. We are now working to raise awareness and increase membership to properly make our voices heard by lawmakers.

We have partnered with Cameroon Coalition against the Death Penalty (COADP) and Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort abbreviated ECPM to join other voices.

Fight Against Death Penalty

AFRINET is the leading organization in the South West Region of Cameroon fighting the course of death penalty. The organization launched in the entire region, fighting for the abolition of death penalty considered to be the most cruel act on humans. Today, the entire regions is are of social justice and voices are being raised for the abolition of death penalty thanks to European Union (EU) Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM) Jutice et Paix and Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Death Penalty is Cruel